Our Organization

The METYS Organization

4 Services settled in INRAE Laboratories

Metys Services are integrated into INRAE’s Research Units and Platforms, leveraging their know-how and technologies. Each department offers a range of services at the cutting edge of innovation, directly derived from the research activities carried out by the INRAE units in which they are based.
Organisation Metys


Le Service Agro-Environnement de Metys

UMR Ecosys INRAE – AgroParisTech, Paris-Saclay.


Le Service Biotechnologies Environnementales de Metys

Laboratoire de Biotechnologie de l’Environnement INRAE, Narbonne.


Le service Génomique & Transcriptomique de Metys

Plateforme GeT-PlaGe / Genotoul-Bioinfo INRAE Centre Occitanie, Toulouse.


Le Service de Metys dédié à l'évaluation environnementale et à l'éco-conception

UMR ITAP / Pôle Elsa INRAE Centre Occitanie - Institut Agro, Montpellier.

Affiliated to the Laboratoire de Biotechnologie de l’Environnement LBE, based in Narbonne, ITe offers a range of services dedicated to biotechnologies and environmental bioprocesses.

Affiliated to ECOSYS and based at INRAE in Saclay, Envisages offers services to assess the impact of agricultural practices on the environment, in particular air and soil quality.

Affiliated to ITAP, the Eco-design department, specialized in Life Cycle Assessment (LCA), supports companies and researchers in assessing and improving the environmental performance of their products, services or projects.

Affiliated to the GeT-PlaGe platform, Metys’ Get-IT service offers a range of services based on cutting-edge genomics and transcriptomics tools.