The last news
New product ! Full lenght ARNr16S sequencing
Improving the accuracy of metabarcoding identifications with full-length 16S sequencing The 16S ribosomal RNA gene (16S rRNA) is common marker for characterizing microbial communities in complex microbial
The AMG-IT model gets the seal of approval!
Predicting changes in soil carbon stock Since 1999, INRAE has been developing the AMG model, which simulates changes in soil organic carbon stocks. A direct result of
Metys at the 2023 International Agricultural Show
Metys will be present at the Salon International de l’Agriculture (International Agriculture Show) 2023 Link to the INRAE stand The Salon International de l’Agriculture will be held
INRAE Transfert’s Business Unit is getting a new name for its 12th birthday!
The INRAE Transfert Business Unit has existed since 2011, so it was time to give it a name! We chose Metys The name Metys above all reflects
Metys at SPACE 2022
Metys at SPACE Metys will be at SPACE from September 13th to 15th, 2022 The Salon International de l’élevage (International Livestock Show) takes place in Rennes and
Environmental assessment of agricultural methanization: a groundbreaking LCA study
Environmental assessment of agricultural biomethane: a groundbreaking LCA study Download the full report Today, the development of renewable gas production in the regions is essentially based on