INRAE Transfert Envisages
Metys Agro-Environment Department
INRAE Support Unit
Ecosys Research Unit
The Joint Research Unit “Functional ecology and ecotoxicology of agroecosystems” (Ecosys Research Unit), based in Saclay, brings together teams from INRAE and AgroParisTech.
Ecosys’ research takes place in the context of global change and the growing urban influence on agricultural soils, and focuses on the functioning of agro-ecosystems in interaction with their environment. They use the levers of agroecology to mitigate and adapt to climate change, show that agriculture is part of the bioeconomy of territories, and move towards a global approach to health. The final challenges are to propose diagnostic and prognostic tools, and models that can be used for forecasting, evaluation and decision support.
The METYS Service
Based on the skills developed by UMR Ecosys in the fields of analysis, experimentation and modelling, as well as in the metrology of gaseous emissions in the field, INRAE and AgroParisTech have joined forces with INRAE Transfert to create the EnVisaGES service and make the services and resources developed on the basis of their know-how available to economic players.
Focusing on the evaluation of agricultural practices and their environmental impact, Metys’ Envisages Service offers a range of services based on the innovative know-how resulting from ECOSYS‘ research activities, particularly in the fields of atmospheric pollutant emissions and soil quality.
- In the laboratory, measurements in mesocosms or greenhouses, to classify waste products or fertilizers.
- In agronomic plots or on agricultural field sites, implementation and monitoring of fertilization trials, measurement of nitrogen or carbon concentrations and flows.
- Thanks to modelling, assessment of nitrogen carbon flows in soils, crops and the atmosphere, in relation to agricultural practices.
- Calculations of environmental impacts, climate change indicators, or assessment of carbon flows and storage as part of the Bas Carbone label.
At your service and attentive to your needs, the Metys teams, made up of technicians, engineers and PhDs specializing in agronomy, soil science and the environment, advise and support you at every stage of your project.