Ammonia Volatilization – Field Measurement

Quantify ammonia emissions after spreading with the VOLAT'NH3 method

The Volat’NH3 method developed by INRAE teams can be used in the field to quantify and compare nitrogen flux generated by cultivation practices or fertilizing products. As part of the development of new products or new input methods, it is used to identify practices and products that minimize nitrogen losses and to quantify their impact on air quality.

Field monitoring coupled with agroclimatic modelling

Based on ammonia concentrations measured using specific sensors and meteorological data acquired from weather stations positioned on the trials, the FIDES model (Flux Interpretation by Dispersion and Exchange over the Short-range, Loubet et al. 2018) is used to obtain ammonia emission flux records and thus arrive at quantities of volatilized nitrogen (in kgN/ha and in % of nitrogen applied).